Sometimes I hate the South. There, I said it. I don't worry about repercussions. Nobody reads this blog. I've lived in East Tennessee going on 16 years. It's beautiful, it's calm and people are mostly kind. It's not Deep South-y like Alabama. But it's the South. The thing I hate, today, is this relational collision that happens where people are hurt, or offended, or something, and they don't talk about it until somebody blows up. There needs to be a zippy name for this but I haven't the energy to think one up today. There are lots of sociological reasons why the South, or perhaps more rural places in general, are fertile ground for this kind of misunderstanding-based problem. I think it's a tribal fear of conflict, a fear of seeming uncooperative, troublesome, or different, and complete avoidance of the inevitable little irritants that come from doing life with other humans. It's complete, unhealthy denial that relationships can be work. Living ...