Blesser Heart at the Tennessee Theatre
After two years plus of pandemic isolation we (gulp) walked/limped onstage at one of Knoxville's fanciest venues and sang some songs. It was an honor! We had a great crowd and we had a minimum of catastrophes/calamities.
We may never be this fancy again but it was fun. A bit of background... Sarah was kind of less than a month from the knee surgery that came after the first knee surgery when we did this gig. Long story short, she now knows she can do a prestige gig after two years off with a skinful of pain medications and steroids. And, pain. Because knee. Anyway:
We were on the marquee...
We had a dressing room with a COUCH in it, y'all. (our world's best roadie, aka Sarah's husband, was sleeping on it so we didn't get a photo).
And we had a little time to roam around the lobby and soak it all in.
Well, how was it? Did we sing well? Was there video? Did Sarah's high E string keep popping off for no reason? Did we have mostly incredible sound with a few hiccups? Was everybody at the TN nice?
Um, yes, pretty much. Thanks to Cindy’s incredibly generous and wonderful friend Philip Woodson King III, there are video snips here: